
Monday Jul 27, 2020
#31 - Historically Speaking
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
The Historic format on MTG Arena has been abuzz with activity since the new Historic only set, 'Jump Start', was added. But how would the best Historic decks stack up against the best Pioneer decks? We put the decks of each format head to head against one another to see which could come out on top, and make a wish list of all the Jump Start cards we'd love to see show up in Pioneer in the future.
If you've been building your collection on MTG Arena and want to know what you should spend your wildcards on before Pioneer Masters drops at the end of the year, check it out!
Our Discord: https://discord.gg/SBRF8DH
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/MtgPioneer

Monday Jul 20, 2020
#30 - The Planes of Pioneer: Tarkir
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
While you wait for more Pioneer results from early in the M21 season, join The First Pioneers as we explore more of the planes of Pioneer! Today's episode is all about the plane of both the Khans and Dragons: Tarkir. Tarkir was an incredibly rich plane that introduced the new 3 color wedges to Magic the Gathering, gave us incredibly powerful cards that redefined eternal magic formats like Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and Hardened Scales, and also added a variety of mechanics to Magic like Delve that ended up being too powerful for every other format outside of Pioneer.
If you're interested in learning about what Tarkir brings to the Pioneer format, what the best cards are, and what other future possibilities are in store for the plane, be sure to give it a listen!
Our Discord: https://discord.gg/SBRF8DH
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/MtgPioneer

Monday Jul 13, 2020
#29 - First Look at the M21 Pioneer Meta
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Pioneer MTGO grinder Martin Porter, aka Harry13 joins us once again to explore the format. Last time we had him on we talked about the Ikoria metagame and how companions shook up the format. There have been many changes since then, and with Harry playing competitive Pioneer almost daily The First Pioneers podcast thought we'd pick his brain to get a jump on this new season. In today's episode we talk about the effects the companion rule change had on the format, how M21 is starting to shape up in Pioneer, as well as what cards we think we'll see more of as the season progresses. If you're looking to build some new decks after the recent banned and restricted announcement, this is a great place to start!
Our Discord: https://discord.gg/SBRF8DH
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/MtgPioneer

Monday Jul 06, 2020
#28 - A Second Chance
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Were the cards currently on the Pioneer ban list unfairly banned? Should they get a second chance to prove that they are fair? Have enough new cards been printed since they were banned that the format has found balance and can accommodate them without leading to unfair lines of play? In today's episode we'll tell you that most of these cards deserved the hammer and are still unsafe, but we do make quite a few caveats and also discuss which ones might show up in the near future if Pioneer gets its hands on a few more effective cards. Be sure to explore this topic with us today!
Our Discord: https://discord.gg/SBRF8DH
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/MtgPioneer

Monday Jun 29, 2020
#27 - Brewing up a Storm
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Monday Jun 29, 2020
As with the past core sets before it, Kevin and I can barely contain our excitement for the newest one, M21. Each year the designers at Wizards of the Coast outdo themselves with better cards and great reprints, and this year is no different. With the M21 Core Set not legal in all formats until July 3rd, for this episode we thought it would be best to brew up some decks using the new cards and to share them with you. Whether it's aggro, combo, or one of the other popular archetypes, we got you covered. Be sure to join our Discord channel to check out our deck lists in full as well as to share yours!
Our Discord: https://discord.gg/SBRF8DH
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/MtgPioneer

Friday Jun 19, 2020
# 26 - The M21 Pioneer Set Review
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Jonathan Medina joins the hosts of The First Pioneers once again to explore the impact of the newest Magic the Gathering set on the format. M21 is bringing some very welcome reprints to Pioneer from sets that were already legal in the format, but what makes it even more exciting are the other reprints from past sets that were not legal before. With the recent power creep in core sets, just what kind of dynamic will these cards create in Pioneer? What new decks are sure to spring up? What cards should you be prepared to face in the format? Be sure to listen and find out!
Our Discord: https://discord.gg/SBRF8DH
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/MtgPioneer

Monday Jun 15, 2020
#25 - Core Values
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
With M21 on the horizon, we thought we'd warm our listeners up for the new metagame by talking about the "plane" that is the core sets. While not technically a "plane" of Pioneer, the core sets have a special place in the format. They might not have the highest number of playable cards but without them the format would be a very different place. Just where exactly do the core sets fit in? We hope to uncover that and more as we talk about the power creep, reprints, and the endless possibilities future core sets could bring to the Pioneer format.
Our Discord: https://discord.gg/SBRF8DH
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/MtgPioneer

Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
#24 - Losing Friends but Gaining New ones
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
First time guest and one of the youngest players to ever make the Magic Pro Tour, Milan Bhayana, joins us on this week's episode to talk about the recent change in the companion rule and how it will affect the format as a whole. Should you still play companions in your deck? Should they be in the main deck or in the sideboard? What decks get worse with the rule change? Which decks get better? We discuss this and more in this installment to better prepare our listeners who are gearing up to play competitive Pioneer this summer. If you like the show and want to hear more like this be sure to follow us and share it with friends!
Our Discord: https://discord.gg/SBRF8DH
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/MtgPioneer

Monday Jun 01, 2020
# 23: Getting Technical
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Is Pioneer a difficult format to play? What challenges do players face in the format? How can you become a better Pioneer player? In today's episode we welcome Pioneer grinder Martin Porter from Scotland to talk about these topics as well as to focus on the technical side of the format. If you're looking to up your game and to take competitive Pioneer seriously, you'll definitely want to listen to this week's show.
Our Discord: https://discord.gg/SBRF8DH
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/MtgPioneer

Saturday May 23, 2020
#22 - The Planeswalkers of Pioneer
Saturday May 23, 2020
Saturday May 23, 2020
Special guest and long time friend Thomas Fletcher from our Frontier format days joins us in today's episode to talk about the best Planeswalkers Pioneer has to offer. While planeswalkers have lost quite a bit of power since the early days of the format when cards like Oko and Oath of Nissa were common place, they are still every bit as potent in a variety of strategies. With companions still shaking things up in the format, some previously powerful planeswalkers are struggling. Which ones still make the cut as playable in Pioneer, and which ones have lots of potential? Join us as we discuss this and more and see if your favorite planeswalkers made the list!
Our Discord: https://discord.gg/SBRF8DH
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/MtgPioneer